Rocky Mountain Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is led by Professor Christian Simmerling, offering Gi and NoGi Jiu Jitsu.
“Jiu Jitsu is not for everyone”
Junior Program
Ages 5- 9
Children training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu see the benefits of improved focus, fitness, confidence, coordination, self esteem, and self- defence. Give your children these essential life skills!
Youth Program
Ages 9-14
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu teaches youth respect and discipline, helps with decision making, fitness and weight loss goals, improving self- esteem, persistence and goal setting abilities. Youth with positive self awareness do not get bullied!
Adult Program
Ages 15-100
We offer classes in a safe and challenging environment. Achieve your fitness and weight management, and learn leverage based techniques. Help release stress and improve concentration. Your training partners will become life long friends!